Waste to landfill is made up of kerbside waste, public bins, and commercial and public waste being dropped off at public waste depots.
Recycling material includes kerbside recycling, public bins, organic collection, commercial and public recycling and organic material (green waste) being dropped off at public waste depots and hazardous waste.
Clean hard fill is comprised of items such as concrete, bricks and stones. The “clean” in clean fill means that the waste is not contaminated by any other form of waste.
Note: The Christchurch City data for cleanfill in 2016 and 2017 is recorded in cubic metres (then converted to tonnes) so there may be up to 10% deviation from the figure given.
Waste to the Burwood Landfill (from material disposed of as a result of the 2010-11 earthquakes) is not included in these figures.